Make a difference in the life of at-risk children today! image

Make a difference in the life of at-risk children today!

$488,374 raised

$80,000 goal

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A young man in our program has struggled with tremendous guilt over his biological father using him to get money for drugs. He would send his young son out to beg for money saying it was for food, when in reality the father would take it and use it to buy drugs. This young man struggles intensely inside with self-worth and self-condemnation from feeling used and doing something wrong. We have been able to support him and tell him it was not his fault. He is not responsible for the choices the adults in his life make. We have helped him become free from those internal beliefs weighing him down. He has felt relief, but he is also a young man that we would like to work with on an on-going basis so that we can continue building his sense of self-worth.